Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Teaching Makes Me Happy

I told myself that I would never be that person that once they started teaching, they would give up on the blog.  And obviously I failed miserably.  I became that person that gave up on the blog.  For this, I am sorry.  With that being said, I want to let you in on a little secret.  

Teaching Makes Me Happy

I love it.  I love that my students (well most of them at least) have fun in my class and like me.  I love that I get to devote my life to helping others.  I love that when I come home, I do fun arts and crafts projects to make my classroom more cheery.  I love that my students still draw me fun little pictures.  I love that I get weekends and random holidays like Presidents Day off.  Who gets Presidents Day off?  Teachers, that's who.  Most of all, I love that teaching is not what I thought it would be.

It's Better.    


  1. Jaimie! I am so glad you love teaching! I think teaching is one of the most rewarding professions. I hope this year is a going well and that you aren't too stressed out :) If you love teaching now, wait until next year. You will love it even more! Let's keep in touch through email if that's ok?

    Tiffany :)

  2. That is great that you love teaching! I best most people can't say the same as a new teacher!! Glad you updated the blog :)

  3. I know this is more than a year later, but I like this post. Makes me happy, cause I'm happy for you! :)

