Two things happened this week at school that made me reflect upon my age. One made me want to jump up in the air and scream YES!!! while doing a fist pump. The other made me think, "I guess this is what being old must feel like."
The first - I was walking a small group of students through the halls during class time. Now at VHMS, students are not allowed to walk in the halls without a hall pass unless they are accompanied by a teacher. After seeing our small group, the school guidance councilor put his hands up in the air, made a mad face, and yelled, "What do you guys think you're doing?" when he saw us. I just waved at him and when he recognized me he said, "I'm sorry. I thought you were a student." Awesome. Being mistaken for an 8th grader? I'm ok with that.
The second - I was reading a student's paper where she was supposed to describe what the setting will be like for her upcoming short story. She wrote, "The setting will be from a long time ago in the mid 90's. It will be back when they still listened to things like The Goo Goo Dolls and Backstreet Boys." If there is any benefit to feeling practically like a grandma, I figure that at least I can fill her in about the rest of this ancient time period now.
Peace and Loves,
Haha, back in the mid 90s, that is too funny! I hope you're liking your job!