Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tuition Stinks

I'm not gunna lie, money is a little bit tight right now.  That is why I am going to take this chance to vent about UVU's tuition price increase (what else are blogs for, right? ha).  The price for tuition last year/semester was $2,144 and now this semester it is $2,292.  Now I know that the difference of $148 isn't that much, but when you add that to rent, car problems, health insurance, a seatbelt ticket I got in Oregon (don't ask), food budget, etc, it all adds up to equal stress.  Luckily I am poor enough that Financial Aid covers a big chunk of my tuition, but the real tragedy here is that I am paying to take a 12 credit class where all I do is teach school in the public setting.  In fact, I was hired on by Vista Heights Middle School as a regular teacher, but I have to do this little thing where my school has to approve of how I teach to give me a teaching certificate.  So basically I am paying $2,292 for a professor from UVU to come observe me teach a total of 3 times out of the entire semester.  Awesome.  I'm glad that tuition increased because I know that it is money well worth it (note that this last sentence is dripping with sarcasm).  Venting done.


  1. Aw man, that's a bummer! So do you start teaching this fall? I hope you're doing well!!

  2. Yep, I do start teaching in the fall. It's about time! :) I'm really excited, along with a little bit of stress. Mostly I'm stressed about how to organize my room. Any ideas? I hope you're doing well too!

  3. Yikes! Everything gets more expensive here too...and the salary increase? non existent! (opps. sorry for venting here....)

  4. Wait, things are getting expensive in China too? I thought only the US was bad because of our stinky economy. Crazy!

